Run Time States

The APIS Hive has several runtime-states. A runtime-state is an internal condition of APIS Hive and its modules, and the different states are:

InitializedInternal APIS Hive initializing.
Modules createdThe included modules are created.
Configuration loadedThe modules have loaded their persisted configuration.
Resources acquiredThe modules have acquired any resources they need.
StartedThe configured system is running.
PausedThe configured system is idle.
StoppedThe configured system is stopped.
Configuration savedThe configuration is saved.
Resources releasedThe modules have released any acquired resources.

By default, APIS Hive will automatically enter the "Started" runtime-state when launched, passing through all the other states. APIS Hive will initialize itself, create the modules, load their configuration, and acquire their resources before entering the "Started" state. The automatically entered runtime-state is configurable, see "Configuring the APIS Hive properties".

It's also possible to manually pass through the different states. This might be desirable, for example, when debugging a malfunctioning configuration. To do this, set the auto start level to Initialize and restart the APIS Hive. To manually set the runtime-state of an APIS Hive Instance node, change the "Running state" property.